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Thursday, December 4, 2008

Do You Have a list

I'm sure you've seen, "It's All In The List" and wondered just how true that is if you're just online to make a few extra bucks. Well I can assure you it certainly is true and anyone trying to promote anything online should do it. Let me explain as we go.

Some people say they can't do it, they don't even know one person they could add to start one. Well I have the answer for that problem and it's simple. If you can logon once a day and play a game, you can build up credits to add like-minded individuals to your list. I added 6 my two days. Try List-Wiz for yourself and get a free start.

Here is a video that we got from my up line.

Use your start to build some inexpensive program like Work For 3 Dollars where everyone you get under you, as well as all those above you, are adding to your own efforts to bring in more people. In fact as it grows, they will add a lot more people than you ever could alone!

So along comes another list builder called List Jumper

The unique benefit this list has, is you can earn credits reading the messages other list members send out, so even those who have a hard time recruiting can do well. You can spend those credits to send your own message to random members, or to jump over people above you in the list so you get a better cross section to send to.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Build Your list and make money at the same time the Average Joe is finally making money!

Offers 100% member's payout!

1000 members are joining from all around the World and most of them are already making money!

This is easy because You Break even with just 2 people on your front line. Earn up to $2,582,805.72 with the 3x15 forced matrix!

There is a single life-time membership fee of US $3.00 ! There are no other hidden fees. You are being paid for direct and indirect referrals.

Members earn $0.50 plus $1.00 (first level) then $0.12 for every direct referrals and $0.12 for indirect referrals.

This means that you get your $3.00 back with only 2 people referred and You do not only gain money for every person you refer, but you also get paid for the referrals referred by your referrals and then for their referrals and so on, 15 levels deep.

Create YOUR OWN List of Double Opt-in LEADS of REAL Money Seekers! Each direct and indirect member in your Downline is a PAID member of WorkFor3Dollars and accepted to receive emails from their upline when they joined. Our sistem is made so that each member will receive the maximum of 14 emails per week.
You have Instant Access to your own Downline Mailer.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Here is something to think about if some one was to give you a store like Walmart and told you that this was your store and you would get paid a % of every thing that you Bought in your store. Now you are told that if you bring your friends in to your store and They shop you will get a % of what they Bought in your store. This would be a good DEAL right and to make it better it will be delivered right to your door and You save on the GAS $.$$ that you spend going to shop a the store that dose not give you anything back an less you use PayPal and get cash back but you can get cash back from your Credit card in your store also. OK BIG CRUMBS is your store that dose Pay you and they give you more then just Walmart to shop in and They do Pay for the Friends (Referrals) that shop in your stores. NOW if you shop in your Stores and show your Friends your savings on gas and the things that you need Like Diabetic Testing Supplies That insurance will pay for and we get the cash back and it comes to my mail box so I save on GAS. Then when Your Friends shop and SAVE in Your Stores You will start to make money from your Stores. Think about It and why would YOU SHOP in the other Guys Stores When You have one of your own??? SHOP - SAVE and GET PAID

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Yuwie Radio it is the New in Place

I have been watching Yuwie Radio and it is working on being one of the top Radio shows on Nowlive if you have a Yuwie profile the shows can give you some good help with your Yuwie and if you don’t have Yuwie then it can help you to see Y you should have a Yuwie Profile and get more good friend that are willing to help you to make the most of your Social Networking Website, Just having fun making Friends