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Thursday, December 4, 2008

Do You Have a list

I'm sure you've seen, "It's All In The List" and wondered just how true that is if you're just online to make a few extra bucks. Well I can assure you it certainly is true and anyone trying to promote anything online should do it. Let me explain as we go.

Some people say they can't do it, they don't even know one person they could add to start one. Well I have the answer for that problem and it's simple. If you can logon once a day and play a game, you can build up credits to add like-minded individuals to your list. I added 6 my two days. Try List-Wiz for yourself and get a free start.

Here is a video that we got from my up line.

Use your start to build some inexpensive program like Work For 3 Dollars where everyone you get under you, as well as all those above you, are adding to your own efforts to bring in more people. In fact as it grows, they will add a lot more people than you ever could alone!

So along comes another list builder called List Jumper

The unique benefit this list has, is you can earn credits reading the messages other list members send out, so even those who have a hard time recruiting can do well. You can spend those credits to send your own message to random members, or to jump over people above you in the list so you get a better cross section to send to.